Walter Miranda
Plastic Artist

Arte no Átrio - Exposições em São Paulo

Jornal da Unesp
Abril de 2004


Atrium of the Institute of Arts (I A) of Unesp. São Paulo Campus, presents the work of two important plastic artists. Until April 15th, the exhibition “Atrium: falo de amor et alia ...”, by the artist Agnus Valente will be at the Atrium. Four installations are displayed on the walls and on the floor. “The idea is to take advantage of the circulation of the people who pass through here so that they can interact with the works”, says the artist.

He explains that the name of the work - Atrium - refers to the heart and blood circulation in the human body. One of the installations - "Constellations of Chance" is made up of iron pieces that represent the letters of the word "chance" and can be handled by observers. “Each person prints his mark on the work”, analyzes Valente.



From April 19th to May 15th, the Courtyard receives the exhibition “Reale et Virtuale” - real paintings X digital paintings ”, by Walter Miranda.

The artist uses computer graphics and computer parts in his paintings.

In this way, he draws an analogy between the Middle Ages and the Present, uses photomontage and places side by side the hand-painted images and the images made by computer.

"The observer will be asked to guess what is the 'real' picture and what is the 'virtual' picture," says Miranda.


The IA is located at Rua Dom Luís Lasagna, 400. The exhibitions can be visited from 9 am to 9 pm.



Cinzas de Gaia II
Walter Miranda
Ateliê Oficina FWM de Artes
All rights reserved.