Walter Miranda
Plastic Artist

Dante's Inferno I

Technique: oil + colage on wood dimensions

Dante's Inferno


The inferno, a constituent part of the work "The Divine Comedy", written by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), is divided into representative parts of the punishments caused by embarrassments and human sins whose greatest crime is betrayal. Although in his work the intention was normative, demonstrating the punishments that sinners would suffer after their death, my works entitled Inferno de Dante I and II, were inspired by the great philosophical betrayal experienced by humanity today:


We dominate a technology capable of feeding, clothing, supporting and decently assisting all human beings, but in the name of pretense philosophical, political and economic concepts, the world elites continue to betray the human essence. Therefore, hypocrisy reigns and, in the name of freedom, represented in the works by the statue, all political “isms” repress, enslave, fight, separate, create population exodus and speak as if they were the owners of the absolute truth by perverting the intellect human beings in favor of their own causes.


Meanwhile, we, mere mortals, suffer the consequences of these orders and excesses, living in a true contemporary hell created by ourselves and without the possibility of aiming for purgatorio or dreaming of a dantesque paradise. In this sense, the images painted in both works speak for themselves when compared to their titles, but the hell represented in them is real and we are not knowing how to transform the world into a better place to live in peace.


Walter Miranda – Winter/1985


Walter Miranda
Ateliê Oficina FWM de Artes
All rights reserved.