Walter Miranda
Plastic Artist

Solo exhibition – The Seattle Project

Municipal Secretary of Culture - year 4 - December 1996




Mário Pedrosa Cultural Space - R. Frei Caneca, 1402 - Cerqueira César     From 06 to 22, from Monday to Friday, from 09 to 19h      Solo exhibition – The Seattle Project


Walter Miranda shows oil paintings on canvas and objects on fiberboard. Based on the philosophical and ecological text written by the American Indian Seattle.


Mixed technique of gluing objects and computer boards.


The Mário Pedrosa space, located in a privileged place in the city, on Rua Frei Caneca, almost on the corner of Av. Paulista, and very close to MASP, São Paulo's art museum, has become a popular place for exhibitors in general.


Open from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 7 pm, located on the ground floor of the building, it is a mandatory ticket for thousands of Paulistanos who circulate in the region, and who take advantage of their free time to enter, relax and enjoy a show carefully related.

Walter Miranda
Ateliê Oficina FWM de Artes
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