Walter Miranda
Plastic Artist

Sharpening the senses

Unesp- Reitoria
18 de abril de 2004


The Institute of Arts at UNESP (IA), São Paulo campus, will present, starting on April 19, the exhibition "Reale et Virtuale - real paintings X digital paintings", by Walter Miranda, will be on display in the IA Atrium.

The plastic artist, who is also an art teacher and graphic designer, uses different resources in his works, such as computer components and computer graphics.

In the first part of the exhibition, there is an analogy between the Middle Ages and the Contemporary, when the artist deals with today's epidemic threats and the Black Death.

"I believe that life is elliptical and not cyclical, as some say. That is why there are similarities between times, although they are not exactly the same," explains Miranda.

At another point in the exhibition, the artist uses photomontage to make social criticisms.


Elo da Vida II


In the painting "The Scarecrow of Death", the target is American foreign policy.

Hand-painted paintings and paintings made with computer resources are placed side by side and the observer is invited to check how each work was produced. "Everything today is becoming virtual, but people don't realize it", says the artist.


Place of exhibitions UNESP Institute of Arts - Rua Dom Luiz Lazagna, 400 - Ipiranga - São Paulo (SP). telephone


Walter Miranda
Ateliê Oficina FWM de Artes
All rights reserved.